Don’t say cheese!

We all know that while looking at pics of your kids, seeing them with authentic smiles and laughter is the surefire way your heart will be melted. 

I am here with some fun tips to capture those big grins that feel and look REAL. Not the ‘say cheese’ grins. (Knowing this difference means everything in discerning great photography to just so-so…)

Let me break down 5 things to say to your kids instead of that dreaded command. Because telling them to say cheese is OUT. Got it? 

Here are the 5 alternative and fun things to say or do for all ages:

For older infants: play peekaboo. Use a quiet and sweet voice and make sure you are smiling big the whole time. Use airplane hands and have the airplane land on their little belly or feet in a gentle tickle. The key to this age is a twinkle in your eye, the sweet and playful voice but using a shushed voice- you want to pique their interest, not startle them. 

For toddlers: I love to talk to them about what animals say and then confuse the sounds. I tell them that a duck says ‘mooooo’ or a cat says ‘quack’ and they think it is the funniest thing in the world. I also do a lot of face making. They tend to mimic your expressions so you can a lot of fun with this!

For preschoolers: “You better not smile…don’t you dare smile!” This one works like a charm. They love it!! When they do inevitably start smiling say “Hey! I thought I told you not to smile!” which will ensue even more laughter. This will work 98% of the time. I also ask them to make all different kinds of faces, running the gamut from sad to confused to happy and excited. When you get to the happy or excited faces they are really warmed up and those expressions are genuine. 

For younger grade school kids: ‘Dad’ jokes tend to be a hit for this age group. They are getting smarter and more tuned in and appreciate any cheesy and punny jokes. Sometimes physical comedy works too. Inside family jokes are good and always always potty humor. Never fails. 

For jr. high and high schoolers: This is a bit more challenging but I find that some more sophisticated jokes can work, some light teasing (especially about a possible crush), and asking them to ‘fake laugh’ but what tends to work best of all is saying words that are a bit ‘taboo’ if you know what I mean. Think (insert peach and eggplant emoji). Wink, wink. 

Don’t just take my word for it, here’s visual proof that these prompts and silly sayings actually work!


My dead dad